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Monday, September 18, 2006

Mobiles put the web in your hands

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Mobiles put the web in your hands.

It is an unstoppable trend that mobile devices will become the main stream of communications. The integration of web browsing and voice/video communications into the gadgets is yet another big topic to research on. In particular, how to put a web page with so many texts into a 320x240 pixels screen while the font size is still acceptable to human eyes? How to make the browisng (like reading and scrolling) easier?

Using mobile phones for electronic transactions (like purchasing a can of soft drink from the auto-seller machine, accessing e-bank and other services) is no longer a dream nowadays, but before the technology is fully mature and widely popular what we have currently is just a channel. We will need a more user-friendly interface, a more secured mobile transaction channel, more comprehensive services and a wider public acceptance for the whole thing to come true. Based on the current trend, this day won’t be far from now.

A broader industry initiative should make the whole process of going online a far more pleasant experience. From next month anyone will be able to register a .mobi net address. This domain is meant solely for sites that will be navigable by phones and anyone signing up must ensure their site meets a strict set of accessibility standards

MTLD, the organisation behind .mobi, expects 200,000 mobile sites to be registered in the next year.