First, it's clear that we don't just search for "love," we Google "love." Over 70% of all U.S. searches on the term occur on Google, compared to 62% overall for regular search terms. What's even more striking than Google's dominance is the degree to which the search giant influences what we click on. Eight of the top 10 sites visited after searching "love" matched the top natural listings on
Searching for Love 2.0 -- Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 -- Page 1 -- TIME.
Wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day. Though I am a huge fan of technology, and appreciate the effectiveness of Internet over love matching, yet I am wondering if people are too much depending of computer networks and tend to neglect the importance of face to face interactions.
Afterall, world changes, as long as people accept it, it justifies itself.
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