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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Silverlight 1.0 going out as an optional Windows update today

Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.

Silverlight 1.0 going out as an optional Windows update today | The Universal Desktop |

I have tried out Silverlight just now and somehow it provides slide show experience similar to those in youtube. Online video are delivered via wmv streaming. The video player controls appear as aqua look and feel consistent with those as appear in Vista.

To me it is an advanced RIA framework targeting to achieve light weighted multimedia online along the back-end approach of Flex. It will take some time to dominate the market, with incumbent technologies like Flash, it all depends on the willingness of developers to make the switch.