Today I went to open a telebet account at HKJC. Maybe it's something guiding me away from the righteous path, but I must persuade myself, that I have to know something about it lest I will be an ignorant fool in this society forever. But of course, I will have no time to bet often, there's still a long way for me to get addicted.
The HKJC was full of people during lunch-hour. Part of the reason is obviously the big pool tonight (I have lost 40 millions again), yet somehow I really feel gloomy. From those people's faces it's not hard to tell how eager everyone was to win in Mark-six. How desperate they are (including me), to pray for a come-back in the poor economy. Within those there are some who were once rich, some others who are unfortunate ones.
I rather enjoy an outcome from my bare hands. Wouldn't it be great if effort and yields are always directly proportional?
The HKJC was full of people during lunch-hour. Part of the reason is obviously the big pool tonight (I have lost 40 millions again), yet somehow I really feel gloomy. From those people's faces it's not hard to tell how eager everyone was to win in Mark-six. How desperate they are (including me), to pray for a come-back in the poor economy. Within those there are some who were once rich, some others who are unfortunate ones.
I rather enjoy an outcome from my bare hands. Wouldn't it be great if effort and yields are always directly proportional?
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