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Friday, November 18, 2005

Being self initiative

Another long time away from my blog. Partly as I have to spare time study for the CISA exam in December, yet the major reason of all is that I have changed my job (as many of my friends may know).
Same as before I am working as a software engineer. With all the respect I do think it is one of the hardest kinds of jobs. You have to think and improvise all the time, as well as being able to meet deadlines (which are always tight). The nature of demanding high concentration and long working hours facing the same screen is obviously detrimental to your brain and eyes.
As much as I dislike ossified working routines, good software projects can arguably be the best way to brush up your productivity and self initiatives. I am glad to be in this new job as I feel like I am learning every day. Within the first week I was studying several things concurrently: WebLogic, Oracle, WebSphere, MQ, LDAP... These are all vital elements in sized corporations. I got tight deadlines to get myself functionable as part of a team, and to think it positively, that's the key to boost my knowledge within the least possible time. I feel like making up a lot of grounds.
Admittedly the job is a tough one, but instead of doing everything unwillingly I would prefer to do my utmost and learn as much as I can. Being a valued team member is always better than being a black sheep.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Thanks to you Lord Jesus Christ. This is a message I have just got from ISC2:

Congratulations!  It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you passed
the Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) examination.
This is the first step towards becoming certified as a CISSP.  Until such
time that you meet the experience required for CISSP certification, you are
entitled to the designation of 'Associate of (ISC)²'.

Thanks to everyone who have helped me during the studying process. And now my next target is CISA, lets work hard together!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dilbert Comic Strip Archive

Today's Dilbert Comic 
Suddenly think of someone…