Stone on the Next Web Bubble - Newsweek Technology -
From time to time there are innovations and new fads on technology development, but another bubble? I can’t see it yet…
Technology is growing fast, but people’s discernments are growing even faster. As the public is getting more familar with technology they start to distinguish what are really useful from those booms and gimmicks. New funny ideas may go heat for a moment, but they fade out as quickly as they become popular.
Yet what I believe, social computing will become a meaningful technology. By visualizing everything you can really find some similarities between human network and computer network. Internet gives you a platform to virtually connect to anyone, so by utilizing it smart you can expand and consolidate your network of friends / colleagues. Adding user-friendliness to the idea, Microsoft is creating Wallop, Friendster is proactively adding new features… Bet another acquisition will happen soon eh?